
Initial Co-creating Offering


Designing the Ultimate Interactive Game World

Intro: Designing the Ultimate Interactive Game World Project Background In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, interactive gaming has become more than just entertainment—it’s a powerful medium for storytelling, social connection, and creative expression. With advancements in technology, from virtual reality (VR) to artificial intelligence (AI), the boundaries of what game worlds can be are constantly expanding. However, the creation of these immersive, interactive environments is not just about technological innovation; it’s also about collaboration and diverse perspectives. This project, Designing the Ultimate Interactive Game World, aims to bring together game designers, artists, writers, coders, and dreamers from across the globe to co-create a game world that pushes the boundaries of imagination and interaction. Whether you are passionate about visual aesthetics, narrative depth, or gameplay mechanics, this project offers a platform to contribute to the next generation of gaming experiences. What We Are Looking For in Co-Creation We are seeking collaborators who share a passion for innovation and creativity in game design. In this co-creation project, we’re inviting participants to contribute to various aspects of the game world, including: 1. World Building: Help craft rich, immersive environments that engage players and inspire exploration. Whether through detailed landscapes, futuristic cityscapes, or fantasy realms, we’re looking for imaginative designs that transport players to new worlds. 2. Story Development: Contribute to the narrative by developing characters, plots, and interactive storylines that adapt to player choices. We want stories that not only captivate but also connect with players on a personal level. 3. Gameplay Mechanics: Innovative gameplay is at the heart of this project. We’re looking for fresh ideas on player interactions, combat systems, puzzle-solving, and AI-driven companions that enhance player engagement. 4. Visual and Audio Design: Create the aesthetic atmosphere of the game world through art direction, animation, and soundscapes that draw players deeper into the experience. 5. Community and Social Interaction: How can players interact not only with the world but with each other? We are seeking input on multiplayer dynamics, social spaces, and user-generated content integration to foster a thriving in-game community. We believe that the most incredible game worlds come from the collective vision of diverse minds. By combining your unique talents with others in this collaborative effort, we can create a game world that is not just a product of design, but a reflection of a shared dream. Ready to build the ultimate interactive game world together? Let’s get started!

Designing the Ultimate Interactive Game World

Intro: Designing the Ultimate Interactive Game World Project Background In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, interactive gaming has become more than just entertainment—it’s a powerful medium for storytelling, social connection, and creative expression. With advancements in technology, from virtual reality (VR) to artificial intelligence (AI), the boundaries of what game worlds can be are constantly expanding. However, the creation of these immersive, interactive environments is not just about technological innovation; it’s also about collaboration and diverse perspectives. This project, Designing the Ultimate Interactive Game World, aims to bring together game designers, artists, writers, coders, and dreamers from across the globe to co-create a game world that pushes the boundaries of imagination and interaction. Whether you are passionate about visual aesthetics, narrative depth, or gameplay mechanics, this project offers a platform to contribute to the next generation of gaming experiences. What We Are Looking For in Co-Creation We are seeking collaborators who share a passion for innovation and creativity in game design. In this co-creation project, we’re inviting participants to contribute to various aspects of the game world, including: 1. World Building: Help craft rich, immersive environments that engage players and inspire exploration. Whether through detailed landscapes, futuristic cityscapes, or fantasy realms, we’re looking for imaginative designs that transport players to new worlds. 2. Story Development: Contribute to the narrative by developing characters, plots, and interactive storylines that adapt to player choices. We want stories that not only captivate but also connect with players on a personal level. 3. Gameplay Mechanics: Innovative gameplay is at the heart of this project. We’re looking for fresh ideas on player interactions, combat systems, puzzle-solving, and AI-driven companions that enhance player engagement. 4. Visual and Audio Design: Create the aesthetic atmosphere of the game world through art direction, animation, and soundscapes that draw players deeper into the experience. 5. Community and Social Interaction: How can players interact not only with the world but with each other? We are seeking input on multiplayer dynamics, social spaces, and user-generated content integration to foster a thriving in-game community. We believe that the most incredible game worlds come from the collective vision of diverse minds. By combining your unique talents with others in this collaborative effort, we can create a game world that is not just a product of design, but a reflection of a shared dream. Ready to build the ultimate interactive game world together? Let’s get started!


我们又吵架了,吵架的原因总是那些陈词滥调, 我嫌弃你,逼迫你。 可那天之后,所有的机器人对人类发起了暴乱, 现代人在惊慌之中揣着比命还重要的手机,落荒而逃。 我们在人流中被拆散。方块状的机器人拿剑从中间对半劈开了我的iphone6,我惊叫着痛苦着,似乎被砍的是我肉体的一部分。 我找不到你, 找不到你,我大声哭喊着你的名字, 总被分贝更高的惊悚亡魂盖住。 我在麻木中被逃生本能所支撑。 战争过的比我想象中的快,已是黄昏。 生化武器爆炸后在天空留下的橘黄色气体却和残阳的颜色融合的却很好。 周围人和金属的残骸变得渺小,因为我的目光顾不上别物。 我看着那个正圆的橘黄色太阳,带着晚年暮色的垂怜,像在安抚庸人被打回原型的离愁 。 天空无比的高阔,悲壮的美丽。那个女孩沉浸在大悲中,往太阳慢慢走进,留下一个黑色的剪影。 我回到我们住的地方,是一个门前有一棵大树的二层房,光线昏暗,进门往里走是一个鞋柜,摆满了我们的鞋,左边是我们的房间,本是一个很矮的大床,生活用品被我弄得凌乱,你也干脆不管。我们睡在大床上,一个爱想心事,一个爱打呼噜,然而,是本来。我颤栗地走进去,希望你安然地躺在那里。 被子底下好像有人,但那是什么?两只破旧的帆布鞋,不是我们的。两个陌生的男孩子起来,明显不是你。兵荒马乱之中,我们的房子已被难民借用,我无心顾及什么,眼前一个让我撕心裂肺的结论摆在我面前:你没了。 没趁那两个陌生男孩注意,我无力地搀扶着墙离开了,街上一片宁静,我还是不愿意放弃,问,那些人,可是没人知道你在哪里。 …………


“研究发现,不同种族对色情的定义与其繁殖的方式是相关的。” “比如说,进行纳入式性行为的地球人,会将‘棍状物’‘洞状物’’插入’与色情联系在一起。” “图中这种大家平时很少见的水母型气态行星种族,认为‘包覆’这一行为十分色情。” “通过伴侣两人的一部分身体融合来繁殖下一代史莱姆星人的文化中认为在大庭广众之下将两物混合的行为是下流的,如果大家无法避免在一位史莱姆星人面前混合咖啡和安忒树分泌液,尽量用手遮挡。” “无性繁殖的种族基本上只会选择第一人称的色情产品。同时镜子等反射物在他们的文艺作品中具有极其强烈的性暗示。” “大口虫星人通过将伴侣的OO吞进食道旁边的生殖道使自己受孕,因此进食在他们的文化中是隐私行为。” “体外授精种族爱自己的伴侣,可同时只对物品有性欲,这是一种他们特有的性取向。这类种族中往往有千奇百怪的恋物癖。对他们来说,其他种族居然和会动的东西进行性行为才是不可思议的。” “通过散发孢子进行繁殖的蘑菇星人认为‘把粉末状的东西堆起来’的过程是色情的。其他星球的种族可能认为阳光照耀下的尘埃十分美丽,可在蘑菇星人的文艺作品中那往往是一种性暗示。” “某种低温液态金属种族认为结晶体十分色情。” …… “好了,同学们,这就是你们这堂课的作业:挑选一个异种族,写下一篇能让那个种族冲起来的色情小说,字数不少于1MB,分数计入期末总成绩,五十个自转后交,我们下节课见。” ——Via @熔融甲烷TRANS-AM 投稿

intent-centric product launch platform

I have encountered various DAOs where initiation typically stems from individuals or groups driven by a shared vision. Decentralization within these organizations often manifests solely in decision-making processes, such as voting for job placements, while funding usually originates from founders or investors. This structure inherently clashes with the DAO concept, which should derive wisdom from the collective rather than central figures. Financial dependencies on specific groups further complicate matters, posing challenges to unbiased operations. DAOs cannot solely rely on idealism; profit consideration remains pivotal, and funding sources inevitably influence their trajectory. The introduction of "intent," however, presents a paradigm shift. If biological systems use pheromones for communication, intent serves as a potent tool for social interaction, surpassing the current reliance on price for information dissemination. Anoma's intent machine facilitates the expression of intentions and preferences, laying the groundwork for collaborative efforts among like-minded groups. My proposal explores leveraging Anoma to develop a tool enabling the creation of entirely decentralized organizations based on shared intents. Regarding financing, I propose exploring meme coins to gauge community sentiment towards intents and preferences. Meme coins transcend price as mere indicators; they reflect market perceptions and can catalyze capital influx and publicity for new initiatives. In contrast to popular topics like DeFi and Chain Abstraction, decentralized governance and DAOs receive less attention. Governance is often underestimated, yet crucial for sustaining trust in blockchain. While code and smart contracts mitigate trust issues, effective decentralized governance remains pivotal to overcoming web2 challenges in web3. Detailed governance strategies—such as the suitability of sub-DAOs, the optimal medium (NFTs or coins), and aligning economic value with governance structures—require extensive research.